Monday, March 19, 2012

Mini getaway

Hello all! I hope you all have not missed my antics too much, its been pretty busy around here and I took some time away from technology to spend some much needed R&R with my little family. Last week the hubs took leave from work so we could just enjoy some down time and boy did we pick a perfect week to do that. The weather was beyond gorgeous. We managed to get some things done around the house and the whole  family took a trip to the dentist. Let me just tell you, Corbin was not a fan of this AT ALL. Despite my smooth talking and bribery with a a tooth brush he was less than thrilled when the dentist forced open his mouth. All those chompers look A-ok though so no worries.

On Thursday we had his 15 month check up and found out that my hunch was correct, he did have a growth spurt. His height did not change much he sprouted up about an inch but his weight, well he gained almost 4 lbs since his 1 year check up (Even though he still looks super skinny) I think all the weight is in his feet lol considering he jumped from a 5.5 W to a 7W in about a two month time frame. The Dr. says we should expect to see a jump in his height next so we will see how this goes. Until then I guess he will just be eating me out of house and home as little boys do.

Right after his appointment we jetted off to Raleigh! We wanted to take a mini vacation and Raleigh has an AMAZING children's museum, Marbles Kids Museum, if you have never been and have the opportunity  GO!  I don't know who had more fun Corbin or us! They have so many interactive exhibits and things for kids to do it was just great. At first I was worried that Corbin would be too young for some of the things but that feeling quickly passed as I saw him run from place to place with such a look of joy and excitement for all the new things that he saw. Needless to say I can see us taking another trip back to Raleigh before we leave NC to visit that museum. 

During our visit we stayed right in downtown Raleigh on Fayettville St. Raleigh is a really cute city, a mix between Philly (as far as the historical buildings goes) and Pittsburgh (for city life). The city itself was maybe five square blocks, rather small compared to what we are used to so we were able to walk everywhere which was really nice. Corbin got a big kick out of being able to look out of our hotel window and see all the cars on the street below. He also proved to us that no matter how big our bed is (king size at the hotel) that he will indeed take up the whole thing. We ventured to the capital building and ran around in the grass there, we enjoyed the natural science and history museum, both of which have free admission, we ventured up to Durham to do some shopping at their ginormous mall, Southpoint, and on our last day we got to see how Raleigh celebrates St. Patrick's Day. They had a really wonderful parade which lasted about 2 hrs and Corbin sat nicely through the whole thing and then there was a small festival where we enjoyed some good food and people watching. The last night in Raleigh before we left we treated ourselves to a fun ride on a rickshaw, it was by far one of the coolest things ever! We had so much fun being peddled around the city at night and the baby enjoyed himself too, I suggest anyone to try that at least once too. The whole trip was really wonderful and I am so glad we got a chance to do it. We are back into the swing of things now at home and it seems as though I am getting sick, or maybe this darn pine pollen is too much for me. Either way not feeling 100%, I am hoping this passes quickly and I can get back to myself soon cause Lord knows Corbin doesn't slow down for a minute.

Well I will leave you with some shots from our trip, enjoy and Happy Monday!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Testing out the new camera!

Well I have been trying to figure out this new camera of mine. Some many settings to learn and figure out what works best for me and what I like most.

The neat thing about this camera is that not only does it have the preset 'scene' mode it also has six 'art' settings which are super cool! Just to name a few: pin hole, pop art, and what might be my favorite right now film grain. I am really enjoying playing with this new camera and I cannot wait to see what shots I get while I am on this new journey.

I am leaving you with a few of the most recent shots I have taken, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Baby BIG feet

Sidewalk chalk art

I just love this face!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Let the sun shine

Last month marked our one year mark in North Carolina and since we have been here the biggest thing we like to brag about to our friends/family back home (Pittsburgh) is the weather. When we arrived last year it was in the 40's and that was a walk in the park compared to what we normally would see. Now this year since we would actually be here through the whole winter we expected to not be as spoiled I suppose. We thought that maybe we would see some flurries and colder temperatures but nope. We did see some frost and chilly temps in the 30's but not for very long.

Now its March, we are about to welcome spring! I must say, I am OK with that. I am NOT a fan of cold weather and I would be A-OK if I never had to see snow again in my life. Now some say that is selfish and that Corbin needs to experience it. Well those people are right, I think at some put he should get to see the snow and play in it. That is exactly why we go back home to visit, so he G-parents can take him out and play (BIG SMILE) while mommy sits inside and watches from the window! Ha Ha, all kidding aside, I would totally play in the snow with him... growing up a an only child I often either had to play with the few neighbors I had or with my dad and even then I didn't care for the cold but it just wasn't as enjoyable since I was always outside by myself, so being able to play in the snow with him would be fun. I would just make sure that my snow gear was on point and maybe even has a built in heater, do they make that kind of stuff?!

Any who, yesterday as we woke up we saw the sun just beaming in the sky and the weather said to expect warm weather! After tending to a doctors appointment for myself and making sure my hubs was feeling better, (he is battling a bacterial infection, on the mend now though) we decided that it was a MUST to get outside and soak up some sun and Vitamin D. Now this was the perfect opportunity for me to get a chance to play with my new camera... which I am still trying to figure out, but I will get there. We went into Southport and did our usual stroll near the pier letting Corbin squeal at the sea gulls and run around like crazy.

My little big guy

We even ventured down under the pier and let him walk in the sand! Now if you know me you know this was a big deal. I am not one of those super neat freak moms BUT I do try and avoid the obvious messes if at all possible and I also try to avoid putting Corbin into situations where he will feel compelled to eat inedible things i.e. sand! He did really well...for a few moments. He didn't try and dart to the water which was GREAT, he just picked up a few rocks and was drawing lines in the sand and then it happened. He discovered the sand stuck to the rock and first he licked it, then he sat down on a rock and used the rock as a mack-shift spoon and scooped up sand and began to munch. That ended out waterfront walk quickly. As a parent if you have ever had to deal with the sand that has exited the body after being ingested you understand where my heartburn comes from  for these types of situations. My only hope is that he grows out of it... I hope.

Being caught.. sand-handed!

After we managed to wrestled our not so happy guy off the sand we headed to a grassy area, he is less likely to eat that. I gave the hubs the camera and he got some good shots of the little guy and I.

Spending the day with my two favorite guys was great and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Oh I can't leave with out making mention of what my husband would call the BEST part of the day.... We saw our first alligator of the season. He was thrilled! He has an odd obsession with them. Always saying that he is going to pick one up blah blah blah. I will believe it when I see it... then again he knows better so he will just have to settle for a distant glimpse of one.
Not super big, maybe 3 ft... big enough that I kept my distance

Take care, Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I made it!

Well kids its time to do some self recognition! I did it!!!! Yesterday was my last day of class, I made it, can you believe it? (I know I am still in awe of it too)! In January of '09 I started the journey with the University of Phoenix not really knowing what to expect. I knew that I didn't have the time to go to a ground campus like 'everyone' else and well frankly I had missed that boat considering I was already 22. Since I was working full time and had multiple side jobs going to class online seemed to suit me best. Unlike my first go-around with The Western School of Health and Business (Joke cough joke joke) I did my research this time. I wanted to make sure that no matter how I was going to school that it was going to be legit and actually mean something. I know what you all are thinking, if you go to school and complete it, it should always mean something, and you are absolutely right. However, as I learned with the Western School, where I earned my Associates , they no longer exist! They just up and changed their name one day, no longer offer any of the same courses they did when I went there, and I had a heck of a time trying to explain this to the UoP when my transfer credits showed up with a different name on them compared to where I told them I went to school. It was a real mess to say the least.

The UoP seemed to have everything I wanted/needed. It was a legitimate University, I would be able to walk a stage (a real one) once I graduated, and most importantly I could go to school when it worked best for me. Piece of cake, this was going to be a walk in the park! Why didn't everyone take online classes, is what I was thinking. No teachers to see you, I log on when ever I wanted, I was my own boss, GREAT! Let me just tell you, those happy thoughts went away quickly, just about as fast as they popped into my head. I think I made it to maybe my fifth class before I wanted to pull my hair out. I can remember sitting in front of the computer, after a long day at work just staring at the screen, the honeymoon was over as they say, I was staring at a class for math, my worst enemy!

What was I thinking?! Online classes? Hardest thing EVER! Not to mention I was not the best at math so that made it even harder. Taking online classes requires so much self discipline and self teaching. You have to make yourself get online and do the work, log in every day, do your readings, and learn something! Now don't get me wrong ground classes are hard too but there is a bit more motivation there, knowing that you will be face to face with the teacher and there is social interaction with other students. It just was not at all as easy as I had anticipated it to be. 28 classes later and a few bumps in the road, (my wonderful son being born, and having to move with the hubs for the USCG) I did it! I have completed all my classes and I am a proud college graduate and I will have my Bachelors of Science in Business with a concentration in Human Resources.

I could not have done it with out all the love and support of my friends and family. My husband has had to deal with me staying up till all hours of the night working on assignments and having to say 'no I can't go to the beach today' and that is all over now! For the first time since I graduated High School in '04 I get to actually enjoy my summer! No work, no school, nothing! Its been a long road but I am so very happy I did it, an education is something no one can every take from you! I will soon be the proud owner of a very expensive piece of paper that will certainly be displayed on a wall somewhere!

Monday, March 5, 2012

I wonder?

So this morning as I opened my eyes to hear my little guy with his baby babble over the monitor I went in to get him out of his crib, its by far one of the best parts of my day! As much as I enjoy sleeping in my bed with out the fear of falling off the edge, being kicked in the head, neck, stomach, or fearing that the little guy will fall off the edge, I do miss him. So when I go to get him in the morning the sight of his cute little sleepy face, the flattened out curls, and how he reaches for me just gives me the best feeling. Recently he has really started to take a liking to one of his many blankets he has and I am assuming it is a part of his comforting but he will wrap it wound his head and neck, similar to a shawl with a little hood, its the cutest thing ever. So on mornings when I go in there and he is standing there like a little old women that is a bonus.

Well this morning I was not quiet ready to leave the comforts of my cozy warm bed and considering that it sounded like Kansas was blowing away outside I took advantage of this time to get in some cozy cuddle time with my little Mr. As we laid there all cuddled up, I just looked at him in such amazement. My little man is growing so fast! He will be 15 months in two days and I just cannot get over that. It feels like yesterday that I was waddling around still trying to get things ready for him to arrive and now look at him, growing in leaps and bounds. Giving me mini heart attacks as he trips and falls in the drive way, or forgets to step up as he comes in the house and bangs his shins on the door step. Those poor little legs of his have so many bruises already. I can understand now why parents say children age them faster, its the truth. But as we lay there just blinking at each other I started to wonder... all of the above things mentioned and then some were running through my head, but what was running through his? Does he have thoughts or was he just blinking at me, waiting for me to make a move? So my question, what do little kids think about? Was he looking at his mama thinking how lucky he is to have such a great mama and awesome daddy to take care of him (I only hope he thinks this), or was he thinking about his favorite toy he can't wait to play with once we get out of bed? I just wonder what goes through those tiny little heads of theirs. They are introduced to so much each and every day, new people, places, things to say, there has to be some sort of thoughts up there. That cute little baby chatter has to mean something. I can only hope that he has the happiest, sweetest, most playful thoughts running through that little noggin of his. As I watched him drift back off to sleep this morning I just smiled, I may never know what he is thinking, but I do know that I will always do my best to make sure that they are good happy thoughts, that he always has a smile on his face (if I can help it) and that he never has to worry for many years to come. I want my little guy to enjoy his childhood until he has to grow up. To dream big, play hard, and most of all have fun! I want him to have the chance to experience all the things that I missed out on having to grow up so fast at the ripe age of 10. I hope to never have to subject my son to the things that I went through. He deserves the best and I know that my husband and I will always do our best for him no matter what. I only wish I could slow time down a bit so I could have more time to spend in bed just blinking at each other....