This past weekend as our first real sunny and warm day and there was no wind to give us a chill so of course we took advantage of this and went to the beach to frolic and play!
Since it has been some time since we had taken the dog and it was such a nice day we opted to head clear down to the end of OKI to the 'Point' as the locals call it and pick a spot there. The point is the very end of OKI and it is where the ocean meets the ICW. It is how local boats are also able to access the ocean. the water here tends to be less aggressive and the beach seems to be less traveled as well, since you have to drive all the way down the island to get to it so it was perfect for everyone to enjoy.
As always my fearless water bug could have cared less that the water was so blasted cold still ad the dog didn't care either I guess cause he jumped in too. I however laid my blanket out and enjoyed the sunshine. PLEASE NOTE: when in doubt, wear sun screen, later in the evening I was regretting not listening to my husband (shh don't tell him that) my back was burnt up...I got my base tan started... I guess.
Finally doing something with the sand other than eating it! |
Just a mama and her boy |
Underpants on the beach |
Best buds checking out the beach |
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