Friday, March 9, 2012

Let the sun shine

Last month marked our one year mark in North Carolina and since we have been here the biggest thing we like to brag about to our friends/family back home (Pittsburgh) is the weather. When we arrived last year it was in the 40's and that was a walk in the park compared to what we normally would see. Now this year since we would actually be here through the whole winter we expected to not be as spoiled I suppose. We thought that maybe we would see some flurries and colder temperatures but nope. We did see some frost and chilly temps in the 30's but not for very long.

Now its March, we are about to welcome spring! I must say, I am OK with that. I am NOT a fan of cold weather and I would be A-OK if I never had to see snow again in my life. Now some say that is selfish and that Corbin needs to experience it. Well those people are right, I think at some put he should get to see the snow and play in it. That is exactly why we go back home to visit, so he G-parents can take him out and play (BIG SMILE) while mommy sits inside and watches from the window! Ha Ha, all kidding aside, I would totally play in the snow with him... growing up a an only child I often either had to play with the few neighbors I had or with my dad and even then I didn't care for the cold but it just wasn't as enjoyable since I was always outside by myself, so being able to play in the snow with him would be fun. I would just make sure that my snow gear was on point and maybe even has a built in heater, do they make that kind of stuff?!

Any who, yesterday as we woke up we saw the sun just beaming in the sky and the weather said to expect warm weather! After tending to a doctors appointment for myself and making sure my hubs was feeling better, (he is battling a bacterial infection, on the mend now though) we decided that it was a MUST to get outside and soak up some sun and Vitamin D. Now this was the perfect opportunity for me to get a chance to play with my new camera... which I am still trying to figure out, but I will get there. We went into Southport and did our usual stroll near the pier letting Corbin squeal at the sea gulls and run around like crazy.

My little big guy

We even ventured down under the pier and let him walk in the sand! Now if you know me you know this was a big deal. I am not one of those super neat freak moms BUT I do try and avoid the obvious messes if at all possible and I also try to avoid putting Corbin into situations where he will feel compelled to eat inedible things i.e. sand! He did really well...for a few moments. He didn't try and dart to the water which was GREAT, he just picked up a few rocks and was drawing lines in the sand and then it happened. He discovered the sand stuck to the rock and first he licked it, then he sat down on a rock and used the rock as a mack-shift spoon and scooped up sand and began to munch. That ended out waterfront walk quickly. As a parent if you have ever had to deal with the sand that has exited the body after being ingested you understand where my heartburn comes from  for these types of situations. My only hope is that he grows out of it... I hope.

Being caught.. sand-handed!

After we managed to wrestled our not so happy guy off the sand we headed to a grassy area, he is less likely to eat that. I gave the hubs the camera and he got some good shots of the little guy and I.

Spending the day with my two favorite guys was great and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Oh I can't leave with out making mention of what my husband would call the BEST part of the day.... We saw our first alligator of the season. He was thrilled! He has an odd obsession with them. Always saying that he is going to pick one up blah blah blah. I will believe it when I see it... then again he knows better so he will just have to settle for a distant glimpse of one.
Not super big, maybe 3 ft... big enough that I kept my distance

Take care, Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!

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