Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moms aren't supposed to get sick

The last few days have been terribly miserable for the whole family to say the least. Corbin and I went to his school Valentines Day party last week and prior to arriving it was evident that he was starting to get sick. The typical runny nose has started and it was only a matter of time before it would get worse. Well I didn't have much time to prepare for the sickness at all because we got to his school and POW, I think every little kid in there had a runny, crusty nose and some took it a step further and had a cough too so that was game over as far as I was concerned. We enjoyed the rest of his party, which was super cute to watch. I always enjoy getting to see him interact with his teachers and fellow classmates, he certainly has a different personality that comes out when he is around those people compared to when he is at home with us. It warms my heart to see how far he has come since the first tear filled day to now where he could care less if I said bye or not.

So for the sickness, Corbin continued to go down hill with more snot, coughs, and extra extra fancy bathroom breaks which caused us to take a few steps back and take a break from potty training and slam diapers back on that booty. Which leads me to a side note, those moms who use the reusable diapers.... OMGosh! I don't know how you do it! I think I could deal with a #1 in there but a #2 nope no way no how! cleaning up a dirty diaper is one thing but dirty underpants (which is similar to reusable diapers) NO WAY not for this lady. Surprisingly though even though we had to take a break from underpants Corbin has been doing a great job of still staying dry and wanting to use the potty so it hasn't been so bad. Then the bomb dropped.... Mama started to get sick!! I try so very hard to stay healthy, eat my greens and garlic and stay out of the line of fire when it comes to getting sick but my shield was weak this time I guess. Thank heavens the hubs was home over the weekend to help take some of the pressure off of me which was a huge help. He went back to work today and I am feeling slightly better, hoping to see more improvement as the week goes on. As for Corbin, I just don't know how this kid does it! Since he has started school obviously we have encountered more germs and had more colds than I would like BUT better now than when he starts kindergarten I suppose but he never misses a beat. His nose could be falling off his face and he could be filling up diapers left and right and he is still going full force, I guess I should be grateful for that but its no help when mama is sick and he still wants to run around like a wack-o. If only I could harness 1/3 of that energy. Still playing super hero's and trying to drop kick his daddy, some days I wonder if things would have been different if he were a girl, then I wonder if we would have just had a wack-o girl... guess we will never know, unless we have another one, thats a girl ha ha.

Any ways never a dull moment in our house

Almost a daily occurrence in our house. If I didn't get woke up like this I would be worried

Watching the slam dunk challenge with his daddy

Moments before this picture was taken he learned what it feels like to have your little toe reach out and grab the edge of a table leg. He then proceeded to tell me why a popsicle would make EVERYTHING all better.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Silly quirks UPDATED 3/6

I am sure this post here will be on going and I cannot believe I haven't started it sooner. My child has some of the strangest quirks and I know that later down the road I am going to want to remember these and laugh.

1. Pick em up... Corbin always says this to L and I and for a little while we were not sure as to why he said it, but we thought it was cute and then one day I got it, it was our fault HA HA. I caught myself the one day hollering (not really) at my husband to pick Corbin up for some reason and this hollering sounded something like this "L pick em up" my husband has also been guilty of saying this so of course our little sponge soaked this up and spat it out.

2. Ok... Now this doesn't seem odd, however he says it in the place of yes. Again we were not sure why he was doing it until I realized that we say that to him. i.e. Corbin 'Popsicle'? my husband or I 'Ok'. If he would ask us something or vice versa rather than saying yes we would say ok, no idea why or how we got into this habit but now it has stuck until he figures out the word yes.

3. Poop-es.... instead of saying poop or doo doo or whatever else small children say for that word, my child says poop-es.

4. Licking his fingers and wiping his eyes.... The first time I saw him do this I was floored, I could not stop laughing because I was not sure what I had just witnesses. When I asked him what he was doing his only response was 'feel better' and he went on his way. The only thing my husband and I can figure out is that in the past when maybe he got something in his eye or maybe even dirt on his face one of us may have licked our finger to get rid of it and now he thinks that it will help all the time.

5. Taptin Merica...This child is WAY into super hero's right now mostly the Marvel super hero's and his favorite right now seems to be Captain America. He has the shield, mask, jammies, little action figure and who knows what else I am missing and he just loves it. He also has some Hulk things and Store (Thor) as well as Iron Man but he prefers the Captain.

6. I can't like this... So it seems that I have a picky child on my hands and it is driving me bananas. My husband and I are not picky at all so it was a big surprise when Corbin turned out to be so selective with what he eats. He eats enough things that it hasn't become a huge problem but even still I wish he would explore more and allow me to give him more variety. Recently if he comes across something he doesn't like or discovers something that I have tried to sneak in on him he will look at me and tell me "I can't like this mommy", frustrating yes, hilarious too... yes! Where does he come up with these things?!

I am sure I will have plenty more to add, this boy is way to silly for me to handle some times

My silly boy

Over the last few weeks it has been really great to be around Corbin, ((everyday is great but these experiences have made it even better)), his vocabulary is just growing in leaps and bounds and he is just learning so much and what he retains is some days down right brilliant ((I may be bias)). Well over the past few days he has picked up on some things that I do to him... Through out the day depending on the situation I will sneak in kisses, when I pick him up, if we are snuggling on the couch, dropping him off at school, pretty much all the time but he has noticed this. The other day we were sitting on the couch and he crawled up on my lap wrapped his arms around me and exclaimed GEMME A HUG, my heart melted and I squeezed back. Then he looked up at me and said 'love ju' and I told him I loved him back.... now what happened next I was not prepared for. He looked at me and said gemme a kiss, and then puckered his lips, this made me chuckle a bit and as I puckered up and went to kiss him he quickly turned his head and yelled NO, turning back to me, puckered up and did it all over again. He thought it was hysterical to tease me and honestly it was rather funny. It is the greatest feeling ever though to hear him tell me he loves me and to get those big hugs, there really is nothing better than being a mom.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My little super hero

So far it has been proven true that my child a boy through and through. Anything that involves giving his mama a heart attack, getting dirty, or imitating his daddy he does it. Since Christmas time we have seen a pattern in our toy purchases for Corbin and they all involve the Marvel Comics super hero's. W have so far collected a few mask/helmets belonging to Captain America, Thor, Batman (even though he is not Marvel), Iron Man, a Thor hammer, Hulk Fists and our most resent purchase was the Captain America shield. Now when Corbin plays super hero's he truly goes into character and takes his job very seriously, to the point that I (mama) can no longer play with him because he beats on me too much. Super hero play has been designated a daddy job. The other day Corbin tried to wear his Captain mask to bed and I finally got him to agree to leave it beside the bed, so the following morning that was the very first thing that he went for. After putting it on he climbed back into bed and proceeded to try and wake me up, during this process daddy managed to snap a picture. Well that night he played super hero's with daddy and again he wanted to bring his gear to bed and it was just too cute to not snap a picture of it. Enjoy!

waking me up, and tucking daddy in

Corbin's alarm clock

Having a two year old is an event in itself, and trying to wake said two year old up for either school or an early morning event  UGH is hard (for this family any ways). Corbin will usually respond to my wake up calls by rolling over and pulling the blankets over his head and recently he has taken to yelling back at me, NEBER (never) before he rolls over ha ha, as amusing as this can be its frustrating is I have to be somewhere and I am on a time crunch. Well since we got Loki these wake up calls have become much easier, and much more amusing as you will see below!

I like to call this one "Mom said WAKE UP"

This was over about a 10 minute time period